Climate Finance Fundamentals
Brief Series
Climate Finance Fundamentals - 2013 Update
Updated just before COP 19 in Warsaw (Poland), this series of 11 short introductory briefings, written in co-operation with the Overseas Development Institute, looks at various aspects of climate change financing. It is meant to give readers unfamiliar with the global discourse about funding for climate action a better understanding of financial flows, the regions and countries they reach, and the climate interventions they target.
Separate briefs discuss the principles for a normative framework for climate finance, the evolving global climate finance architecture, gender aspects of climate financing, and the process to design the Green Climate Fund. Others focus on the thematic areas of funding for mitigation, adaptation and REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and forest conservation) respectively. Lastly, a number of briefings look specifically at the scale and impact of climate finance flows on different regions in the developing world.
Data used in the briefs draws on, the tracking project of ODI/hbf focusing on dedicated climate financing instruments from pledge to project. Further information is available on the hbs Washington website, which also features a timeline and a database where users can search for relevant institutional and administrative contacts in their countries/regions in order to apply for financial means.
The following 11 Climate Finance Fundamentals briefs are available in English (updated 11/8/13):
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 1: A Normative Framework for Public Climate Change Finance
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 2: Evolving Global Climate Finance Architecture
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 3: Thematic Briefing: Adaptation Finance
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 4: Thematic Briefing: Mitigation Finance
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 5: Thematic Briefing: REDD+ Finance
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 6: Regional Briefing: Latin America
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 7: Regional Briefing: Africa
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 8: Regional Briefing: Asia
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 9: Regional Briefing: Middle East and Northern Africa
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 10: Gender and Climate Finance
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 11: The Green Climate Fund
The following Climate Finance Fundamentals briefs are available in French (updated 12/4/13):
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 1: Principes et critères du financement climatique public – Cadre normatif
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 2: Architecture évolutive du financement climatique mondial
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 3: Financement de l’adaptation
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 4: Financement de l’atténuation
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 5: Financement de REDD-plus
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 6: Note régionale: Amérique latine
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 7: Note régionale: Afrique subsaharienne
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 8: Note régionale: Asie et Pacifique
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 9: Note régionale: Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 10: Égalité des sexes et financement climatique
- Fondamentaux du Financement Climatique 11: Conception du Fonds vert pour le climat
The following Climate Finance Fundamentals briefs are available in Arabic (updated in December 2012):
- الموجز الأول: مبادئ ومعايير تمويل أنشطة مكافحة تغير المناخ العامة - إطار معياري
- الموجز الثاني: تصميمٌ التمويلٌ العالمي للمناخ
- الموجز الثالث: الموجز الإقليمي حول تمويل أنشطة مكافحة تغيّر المناخ - تمويل التكيّف
- الموجز الرابع: الموجز المواضيعي بشأن تمويل المناخ - تمويل أنشطة التخفيف من حدّة تغيّر المناخ
- الموجز التاسع: الموجز الإقليمي لتغيّر المناخ - الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
- النوع الإجتماع وتمو لٌ أنشطة مكافحة تغير المناخ
- الموجز الحادي عشر: الصندوق الأخضر للمناخ
Data taken from ClimateFundsUpdate