
رحلة النفايات - hbs Tunis

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Féministes ; voix et voie-s : interview with Rim Hamrouni (with English subtitles) - hbs Tunis

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«La Tunisie comme une terre d’accueil, quelles racines historiques ?» Entretien avec Sophie Bessis - hbs Tunis

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Nos Programmes

Component A

Développement durable & politiques environnementales

Dernières publications

production de l'hydrogène vert

Who benefits from Tunisia's Green Hydrogen Strategy?

Tunisia is currently developing a national strategy for the development of green hydrogen. While the global energy sector is being revamped, the “clean” fuel approach is often hailed as the flagship solution for the challenges of energy deficits and the decarbonization of the economy.

Intersectionality Booklet

Intersectionality is a multifaceted approach to influence and change the world, encompassing theoretical and practical aspects. We live in an extremely complex world where increasingly intricate and intersecting forms of discrimination and inequality exist. 


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